casey garfield

about / poems / other work / contact



Casey Garfield is a nonbinary poet, publisher and pal from Norwich (UK).

They’re new to being Casey Garfield, but under their former name their writing appeared in spaces such as McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Ghost City's Summer Series and Be About It Press, among others. In pursuit of bringing poetry to any audience it might resonate with, they would read at libraries, arts centres, festivals, punk shows in living rooms, and drag shows in the back room of a nacho restaurant. Their poems were published in journals and literary magazines, diy zines, as posters, as badges, on stickers, and sold in a bar's vending machine.

They’re thrilled to meet you as Casey Garfield. They are currently working on sharing queer joy, celebrating hard-earned comfort, and being the happiest they've ever been.


“Whenever I have guests at my house I read them Casey Garfield's chapbook. Their poems are essential and important in a way that not many things are."
- Sophie From Mars

"Genuinely laugh out loud moments and I was seduced by this voice at first reading. Second, third, forth and fifth readings... My eyes were opened up so much wider."
- Helen Ivory

"Seems lovely but not the tone of the event I'm sorry to say. Would you like to suggest another poet or shall I?"
- SJ Fowler

"I took Casey Garfield's poetry to the hospital accompanying a friend, just in case an opportunity arose for it to help. It didn't, but I know that it would have helped. Their poems are a deeply positive experience."
- Natalie Ayres