casey garfield

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even more selected poems from ‘favourites from my former name: selected poems from before casey garfield was casey garfield'

17 Sunsets To See Before You Die (2020)

Ever since I learned that hurricanes have eyes
from an episode of The Simpsons, I spend
more time than I’d like to admit thinking I am
in the eye of various things. “We’re in the eye
of the storm now” I say, in multiple situations,
for my own benefit only. I keep variations to myself,
often and excitedly. “I’m in the eye of the service
station now” I say softly, while enjoying a cherry
cola and overpriced fries, halfway through a long
trip with your whole life in the boot and back seats 
of a reasonably priced automatic Vauxhall, except 
for the parts of your life that are on my lap
as we drive. “I’m in the eye of this presentation
about how to use attendance monitoring software
which will almost certainly have a total overhaul
of the user interface within two months, rendering
basically all of this information outdated” I write
in the white space of poorly typeset handouts, 
between bad clipart and haikus about an old friend
who died before I got to introduce him as such,
before I could take a trip and by kind coincidence
bump into him at a service station, a warm surprise
after a long drive, the imprint of a toaster still
slightly visible on my inner calf after I tried to nestle
it under the seat and got it stuck. “We’re in the eye
of ‘I, Robot’ now” I would have said at minute 52 
of its runtime, if I had ever sat down to watch I, Robot
intentionally instead of catching snippets of it here
and there, accidentally, enough times that I feel like
I understand the plot exactly as much as I would
if I had watched it once on purpose. I have a theory
that you can fall in love with a stranger in the same
way you can know most details of what a movie
is about even if you’ve never tried to consume it.
“We’re in the eye of our love story right now” I might
think to a cashier at the Little Waitrose, in the service
station, or to the only other customer in the store
when I recognise the discomfort in their eyes as they
see the prices and know there is absolutely nowhere
else to stop, or imagine directing to someone who
definitely isn’t going to come out of the toilets, but
who I still look for. I’m in the eye of my entire life
most of the time, moving just right so I stay central.
At least, that’s how I like to imagine it. Just the two 
of us dancing, along with everyone else I’ve ever met,
slightly anxious, trying to make it all a bit wider.

we try to be who we needed when we were young (we know it can't save us then) (2021)

I love when poets say
"What I'm saying is…"
because it makes it easy
to know what they're saying
and I think of all the kids
in classrooms who don't like
interpreting poetry having
a much better time.

What I'm saying is
the only thing stopping me
from making a bracelet
out of those letter beads
that says "I know it might seem like
I don't care about things as much
because I've stopped saying
I'll do something "even if it kills me"

I just don't want to die anymore."
is that my arms aren't long
enough. I'm thinking of
being a kid and the people
who let me have a better time.
I'm wanting to make it easy.

I'm thinking of the fact that
the only thing stopping me
from making a bracelet listing
all the different types of love
is that there aren't enough beads.
What I'm saying is I'm so glad
you asked me to sign your deed poll.
I'm so glad you have your name.

it's black friday sales in my heart, baby! (2022)

i've got deals that'll make you think "shit,
that's a recklessly discounted kinda love!
that 'everything must go' kinda adoration!"
and you'd be right! one day this store's
gonna close, and i've no need for dead stock!
you win 'cause it's a bargain and i win too
'cause i get to love you! i literally don't
need to keep hold of all this! everything
must go and yet i cannot run out! we're running
this sale all november baby, and if you like that
just you wait for our end of year sales month,
new year sales month, valentines sales month,
st patricks sales month, april fools sales month
(in which i am slightly sillier in the way i love you
but the love never feels foolish), may day month,
whatever it is that happens in june gets a month
of sales too, which takes us to three months of
summer sales before halloween hits! motherfucker,
i will run this store out of business! it's going
under whether i do or not! please rush the tills
when you're ready, there's no need to queue.