casey garfield

about / poems / other work / contact

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chapbook launch event

facebook event for 'stories in which' (Casey Garfield) & 'girlhoof' (Flo Reynolds) chapbook launch
1pm on Sunday 29th September at The Warwick Arms, Norwich

poetry collections

'stories in which' - published by Salo Press
debut chapbook, published September 2024

'hi hello I love you my name is Casey Garfield' - published by Ghost City Press
introductory micro-chapbook, free to download as part of the Ghost City Summer Series 2024

recent publications

'post viral illness is kicking my ass and now god and the devil are raging inside me'
in Kicking Your Ass - Issue 2

'coupling for the dover demon (or, on teenagers seeing something they can't explain)'
in Wasteland Review - Issue 1

'lighting bugs in my soft palette' & 'i got told it'd be a horrible life'
in Stone of Madness Press - Issue 24